Woo Woo Product Loves


I am a super fan of flower essences and Alexis Smart’s remedies are always on hand in my woo woo bag. I was first introduced to her products via @tobemagnetic and I have been hooked ever since. There is legit something magical about her products and the way they seem to magically rewire your energy and vibration.

I’ve used and loved several of her remedies in the past. Whole Hearted gave me an unparalleled sense of comfort and serenity. I remember telling my friends at the time that I just felt effing great. Soul Purpose gave me a boost of motivation and a sense of purpose in my direction. It was like a morning cup of energetic coffee to get the workday flowing.

So……What are flower remedies?

Flower therapy is a form of complementary and alternative medicine based on the idea that flowers have a healing, vibrational energy. This system of plant and flower-based remedies was developed in the 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath, who was convinced that emotional well-being was key to overall health. Sounds pretty right to me. Dr. Bach spent his life exploring the use of flowers and plants to bring a simple, natural, and gentler approach to emotional balance. Bach Flower Therapy can be considered preventative medicine in that it aims to treat emotional imbalances before they can go deeper into the body. Once emotional balance is restored, the body’s innate, self-healing ability can be restored.

Alexis developed her proprietary formulas, based on the original 38 flower essences of Dr. Bach, during fourteen years as a flower remedy practitioner. Homeopathy cured her of a serious illness in her 20’s and led her to her purpose of helping people reconnect to happiness and peace of mind. Essentially, remedies are made out of watered-down extracts from the flowers of wild plants. All of Alexis’ flower essences are organic, biodynamic, and wild-harvested in Britain.

According to Alexis, “The ultimate aim of this healing system is happiness and peace of mind. These remedies help us to live our lives in the way we were meant to, fulfilling our purpose with love, happiness, and freedom from all the limiting influences we may encounter along the way.”

Her newest remedy, Unblocked, was designed to enhance the effects of one’s manifestation practice by helping to cultivate worthiness, clarity & optimism. It also helps to unblock the subconscious limiting beliefs that are holding us back from showing up as the most authentic and high self-worth versions of us. I’ve been taking mine for a couple of weeks and have felt a ton of old memories come through that I hadn’t realized I still had major emotions tied to. Along with additional practices, I’ve found Unblocked incredibly helpful in releasing so many old, unrecognized emotional blocks and issues. I’ve just ordered two additional bottles.

The remedies are super easy to take and the dosage is 4 drops x 4 times a day under the tongue. Alexis recommends working through a particular remedy for at least 1-3 months before moving on to another.

Definitely check out @alexissmartflowerremedies and all of her magical products. BRB…going unblocking.


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