Every passing moment is another chance to turn it all around.

NLP Certified Transformation and  Mindset Coach Michelle Bogorad works with highly successful women across multiple industries

Easier said than done, am I right? In our modern lives, it’s all too easy to let our dreams and passions slip to the side. We get comfortable with the status quo, only to feel stuck and overwhelmed. We convince ourselves that we don’t need to prioritize our joy, well-being, and passions.

How do you discover the meaningful life you know you’re meant to be living? You envision that life and every single way it looks, feels, and sounds. Then you identify the actions you need to take to get there and you take them. 

That’s it. That’s how you get that gorgeous life you’ve only dreamed of. It’s by taking action. You don’t have to spend your entire existence unblocking prior childhood trauma, fixing every relationship, and balancing your chakras. I get it. I’ve done it all too.

What I learned on my journey is that the healing never stops. There’s no finish line. No light at the end of the tunnel. Healing is a lifetime activity and if you wait for it to be completed, you’ll never start living the life you’re meant to. 

It's on YOU to build the life you desire. You are in charge of creating your vision and taking action, but you don’t have to do it completely on your own.

Transformational coaching with me is about creating a vision for the life you want, programming your mindset to success, and taking the necessary action towards that vision.

This is where I come in.

Picture a journey where you feel seen and supported. I am here to be your biggest proponent, your champion, and the person holding you accountable for moving toward the life you envision.

Together, we'll uncover your vision for a high-vibrancy life, the actions you can take to get you closer to that life, demolish limiting beliefs and anxieties holding you back, and empower you to embrace your worth.

Mindset and Transformation Coach Michelle Bogorad specializes in empowering and supporting high-achieving women.

As a Global HR Executive and certified NLP mindset and transformation coach with over 15 years of experience in the media and entertainment world, I specialize in empowering and supporting high-achieving women. I bring an energetic, action-oriented approach to our one-on-one sessions. I know how to get things done. My entire career has been helping organizations and their employees get it done. Now my passion is doing the same for women just like me.

Not only do I know what it's like to have a high-powered corporate career, but I’ve also spent the last two decades deeply entrenched in health, wellness, and spirituality. I have seen and learned from the top mindset, neuroplasticity, and manifestation professionals in the world. I am like a personal concierge of everything personal development and wellness.

I don’t have a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to my coaching. I believe in honoring your uniqueness, and my approach reflects that. Everything I do is tailored to your needs and goals.

This isn't just regular old coaching but rather a transformational journey. We'll meet for 8 weekly 60-minute sessions, aligning your intentions, goals, and vision for a purpose-driven life.

It's about taking action planning, navigating uncertainties, and gaining confidence through doing.

NLP Certified Mindset and Transformation Coach will support you on the journey and hold you accountable for moving toward the life you envision.

What we’ll do together…

• We’ll get super clear on what you want to achieve and ensure it is aligned with your values and vision for life.

• We’ll create a “big picture” roadmap tailored with specific dates and actions for you to achieve the outcome you desire.

• We'll work on moving past fear, self-doubt, and procrastination, guiding you to connect with your authentic self and embrace your innate worth.

• We’ll review weekly check-in assignments that you’ll complete during our time apart to optimize our work in and out of sessions

Are You Ready To Meet Your Empowered Self?

I am committed to your success. That's why I take on limited clients and only those I genuinely believe I can guide towards the transformation they seek. If you’d like to learn more about working together, select a day and time below to schedule a complimentary coaching alignment call.