The Gene Keys: Q&A with Chrissy Papetti

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Chrissy Papetti is a Self-Mastery Mentor, Success Coach, Speaker, and certified Gene Keys Guide who teaches leaders and high-achieving individuals to identify and transform the limiting patterns that have been holding them back from their greatest potential and fulfillment. In her practice, she leans on both science-backed and spiritually-informed theories such as neuroplasticity, subconscious reprogramming, emotional regulation, somatic healing, and behavioral resilience. Her goal is to help clients build and master their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.  Since beginning this work she’s helped her clients substantially increase their income, successfully transition career paths, build businesses as well as reduce levels of anxiety, depression, and physical pain. Chrissy holds an MS in Occupational Therapy and has additional training and certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Clinical Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and TIME Techniques.


After a life-altering injury sparked a near-decade-long battle with a shattered identity, chronic pain, and lost sense of purpose, Chrissy reclaimed control of her fate and transformed from the inside out in large part due to her discovery of the Gene Keys. What she loved most about working with Gene Keys was that it not only helped her make sense of past experiences, but also empowered her to shift her approach to life in the present in order to live her most aligned, fulfilled future. By letting go of self-blame, shame, and judgment through her utilization of the Gene Keys, Chrissy was able to tangibly manifest aligned career opportunities, focus her energy on the most meaningful pursuits and relationships, create boundaries around what no longer served her, and heal decade-long chronic pain that nothing in modern medicine alleviated.  Now she’s made it her mission to help others turn their shadows into superpowers by rediscovering themselves, redefining success, and redesigning their realities on their terms one gene key at a time.

 Q & A

What are the Gene Keys?

Similar to Human Design and Astrology, The Gene Keys is a system for self-discovery and self-awakening founded by Richard Rudd. Informed by spiritual wisdom and modern science, The Gene Keys uses your exact birth information to create your individualized Hologenetic Profile of 11 (out of the possible 64) gene keys that serve as a roadmap to guide you out of fear-based living and into the most free, authentic version of yourself. This system gives you a language to name and therefore, see and shift the energetic patterns playing out in your life that have the potential to hold you back or propel you forward on your path to true fulfillment, love, and prosperity.


What are the key terms we should know when working with the Gene Keys?

First, a “gene key” is the name for 1 of 64 different themes of human consciousness encoded into your DNA. When you explore the themes of each of these gene key archetypes (especially the ones in our personal Hologenetic Profile), your contemplation unlocks a higher expression of your genes and you become free to embody your higher purpose in life. Each gene key's theme can be expressed at three different energetic frequencies within you, and the intention is to rise from the lower frequency to the higher frequencies to free yourself from your perceived limitations.

The "shadow" is the lowest energetic frequency you can live in and stems from your wiring for individual survival. In this frequency, fear is in the driver's seat of your life and you play small, believe you're a victim of your circumstances, and hold yourself back from your potential. The Gene Keys teaches you that this suffering is meant to be the portal to your salvation when you use it as fuel to rise to the higher "gift" frequency. In the “gift” frequency, you become more connected to your authenticity and purpose in life which uplifts the energy within you. As you begin to create your own reality and live authentically, you can access the highest "siddhi" frequency within you. When living in this "siddhi" frequency, you're disconnected from the influences of fear and tapped into your fullest potential. You're at true peace with who you are and why you're here. This highest energetic frequency is felt as a deep connection with the divinity within you.

How does one use the Gene Keys alongside Shadow Work?

Shadow work is the process of bringing your unconscious limiting self-image and beliefs into your conscious awareness to ultimately free yourself from fear's control over your life. For example, if you fear you aren’t good enough in others' eyes unless you overachieve, that belief is going to direct your thoughts, decisions, and actions. Your shadow controls your life instead of your authentic wants and needs. An essential component of shadow work is naming a fear that is influencing your life such as "unworthy." Gene Keys is a tool to help you identify and become aware of your shadows by naming the shadow frequencies you're predestined to face in life. What's even more powerful is that the Gene Keys then show you the gift and siddhi frequencies, which serve as your roadmap to rising above your shadows and owning them so they no longer own you. They help you discover and integrate your shadows so you can live authentically with no subconscious fears or patterns holding you back.

What most surprises clients about the Gene Keys?

How accessible, actionable, and practical it can be! Upon first glance, the Gene Keys can appear overwhelming and esoteric. Clients don't know where to begin or cannot see how the system can support them. When I educate my clients on the system and guide them through their gene keys in combination with my unique blend of modalities, they learn how to practically and powerfully integrate the gene keys wisdom into their lives for radical change. Soon, the Gene Keys just become a lens through which they see themselves, their lives, and their potential.

What is the biggest value add about using the Gene Keys in one’s personal development?

The answer is freedom. When we get to the root of our desires, most of us are in search of freedom, fulfillment, and well-being. It's hard to achieve that if we're caught up in the illusion of fear that our mind is creating. We need to feel safe to step beyond what's familiar and persist through resistance or failure because that's how personal growth works. The Gene Keys is designed to give you a whole new lens through which to view yourself and the patterns of beliefs and behaviors playing out in your life. By defining the way fear shows up in your life, you finally become self-aware of why you're going through certain struggles. Knowing your gene keys creates that inner trust that life is happening for you and not to you, so you can fully embrace the challenges that are meant to lead you to your most exceptional life.

What are the most common themes you see with clients?

Every one of the common themes in my client’s lives can be connected to the same root cause. They’re blocked from having, doing, or being what they want because of survival-oriented fears and they’re missing the self-trust they need to break free from what’s familiar to create a new normal outside of their comfort zone. These fears (themes) can manifest in different ways: feeling lost, self-sabotage, staying in toxic relationships, reinforcing unhealthy behaviors, procrastination, perfectionism, overachieving, people-pleasing, self-sacrificing for others’ needs or expectations, never feeling satisfied, self-judgment, and the list goes on.


How does one get more insight and start learning more about their profile?

If you're new to the Gene Keys, you can visit my Gene Keys webpage for access to all links and resources to get started. I'm a big believer in sharing both the original teachings and resources from the founder, Richard Rudd, as well as resources I've created through my unique lens and experience. For a more personalized experience, I offer individual sessions as well as ongoing monthly coaching experiences to guide clients through a deep transformation in the area of one or more of their gene keys. I'm also currently finalizing both free and low-cost educational resources on all 64 gene keys and the different pathways through the profile so that this wisdom's power can be truly accessible to anyone.

Find out more about Chrissy and her work with the Gene Keys on her website and @chrissypapetti.


Michelle Bogorad is the founder of Woo Woo Working Women and a NLP-Certified Transformation and Mindset Coach. For over 15 years, she has worked in Global Human Resources for the biggest global media companies in the world driving organizational and employee optimization, efficiency, and engagement.

She is most passionate about helping high-achieving women get back to their expanded selves by designing and creating the lives they truly desire. In her work, Michelle helps clients discover blindspots, define a vision for an inspiring life, reprogram their mindset to success, and take the necessary action to achieve their goals.

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