Three Supplements to Super Boost Your Brain


The Brain Fog Killer

This herbal extract made from Pimpinella stem extracts has been used to aid natural body and brain cleansing by indigenous groups from the Mediterranean to Southwest Asia for centuries. This potent brain health supplement supports optimal brain functioning by supporting your body’s natural brain detoxification process and promoting a healthy inflammatory response. One of my all-time favorite supplements, Pinella was miraculous in clearing heavy mold-induced brain fog.



The Mental Energy Powerhouse

Eleuthero Root, also known as Siberian Ginseng although not a true ginseng, is a revered adaptogen long used in Eastern medicine for centuries. This energizing nootropic herbal ally provides daily focus and brain support by upholding the body's natural ability to adapt to the stress of everyday life. Eleuthero increases catecholamines (such as norepinephrine and dopamine) in the parts of the brain responsible for managing stress so you’ll find yourself thinking clearer and working more effectively during difficult or heavy work intervals.


Bee Keeper’s Brain Fuel

The Mind Quick Picker Upper

This powerful tonic combines royal jelly with plant-based adaptogens, bacopa monnieri and ginkgo biloba, to support brain health, and improve cognitive function and mental clarity. This tiny vial contains 500mg of royal jelly, the exclusive food of the queen bee, which is known to improve cognitive function. Turn to this quick fix whenever you need a little help beating an afternoon slump or getting into a flow state after a long day or night. I keep this around whenever I’m feeling draining and need to jump on yet another Zoom call. You’ll feel energized immediately.



Michelle Bogorad is the founder of Woo Woo Working Women and a NLP-Certified Transformation and Mindset Coach. For over 15 years, she has worked in Global Human Resources for the biggest global media companies in the world driving organizational and employee optimization, efficiency, and engagement.

She is most passionate about helping high-achieving women get back to their expanded selves by designing and creating the lives they truly desire. In her work, Michelle helps clients discover blindspots, define a vision for an inspiring life, reprogram their mindset to success, and take the necessary action to achieve their goals.

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