Amy Nobile, Founder, Love Amy

Amy founded her eponymous company Love, Amy, a dating concierge service that helps people find love on dating apps, shortly after meeting the man of her dreams online following a divorce from her husband of 20 years. What started as a desire to help friends also find love, turned into a flourishing business in just a year. Amy is also a best-selling, Oprah featured co-author of four books, all designed to support and inspire women at various stages of their lives.  ASH + AMES, a luxury jewelry brand she co-founded, is made by female artisans and sold by women ambassadors around the globe with the mission of giving back to developing countries and empowering women everywhere.


After studying Communications at Albion College in her home state of Michigan, Amy found herself in NYC where she launched a career in PR.  She also met her then-husband and the couple relocated to San Francisco where kismet would lead her to a best friend, co-author, and co-creator. The women bonded over motherhood and womanhood and those conversations laid the way for four books and a jewelry line all with the mission of empowering women.  In fact, it was in writing the last book, about redefining life after 40, that led Amy to take a closer look at her relationship and, ultimately, decide to change her own future and leave her 20-year marriage. 


Living back in NYC, Amy took to the dating app world like it was her full-time job going on up to six dates a day.  Well…it worked and she met the love of her life and current partner on Bumble. Her friends, all beautiful and successful women, did not have the same luck and feeling discouraged by it all, turned to Amy for help.  Love, Amy was born of a real desire to provide the kind of guidance many women found lacking upon entering the online dating world. Her company helps clients find matches and set up dates, taking over the initial back-and-forth messaging. The best part is that she teaches her clients her successful process so that they can take over the reins confidently over time. Her success rate is 85% meaning six out of seven clients meet someone special.

Maybe that’s the reason Amy is known as the “Dating Fairy Godmother” but it seems pretty clear that you’d want this woman in your corner for about everything else life throws at you too. 

Find out more about working with Amy at Love, Amy, and follow her on Instagram

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What is your secret to living a high-vibrancy life?

I talk a lot about “raising your vibration.”  What this means to me is the level at which your energy is vibrating.  When you’re vibrating at the highest possible level (what Gay Hendricks calls your “Zone of Genius” in his book “The Big Leap”), you feel grounded, you’re “in the flow” with the Universe, you feel like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, and you’re unattached to outcomes or expectations.  This is a very tough place to get to, however, because we are all conditioned to seek external advice and validation.  If we get really quiet, we can start to tune into our own intuition which holds ALL the secrets!  For me, meditating twice daily every single day, along with a Power Yoga practice, is a non-negotiable to stay at high vibrancy.   

Also, if I’m anxious, worried, or stuck, I find that freestyle journaling is a lifesaver.  It’s amazing what comes pouring out of you!  You can look back and read it and there are so many answers.

Who is a woo-woo working woman that you admire and why?

One of my dear friends and teachers is Jen Mazer, author of “Manifesting Made Easy.”  I took her Manifesting Masters course a few years ago, and wrote the business plan for Love, Amy while in it.  If you look back at my original manifesting journal, it’s my life today, even better than I could possibly imagine.  Jen was a natural manifester and turned her gift into a thriving business.  Her positive energy is incredible!

How do you balance work, wellness, and spirituality?

I have learned to put myself first.  What that means, is that I actively practice boundary setting and keeping, which I had not done EVER!  I’m a natural people pleaser and giver, and had sacrificed a lot of myself in the past.  Now, I have no problem saying no which, by the way, is a full sentence!  Saying no, setting expectations upfront for friends and clients, and holding my self-care practices sacred daily are vital for me.  Now when I say no, instead of feeling guilty, I feel empowered. 

I love that you are such a big proponent of reinventing yourself at any age.  The older we become the more our programming seems ingrained and impossible to break free from.  What is your advice for women to try to find their true selves again?

It’s always possible to re-invent yourself!  And it’s natural because we are all always evolving.  You are not the same person you were a year ago or 6 months ago even.  We get so stuck in these paradigms and expectations of what we’re “supposed” to be.  We are our own worst critics. 

We can be absolutely anything we want.  Again, it all starts with tuning into your deepest core values, and what brings you JOY.  Ask your best friend what she or he sees brings you joy.  One of my dearest friends left her big publishing career to start a home organization business and she is happier professionally than she’s ever been.  And not so shockingly, she’s killing it!

What do you say to women in their 30s/40s/50s and beyond who think it’s too late to make significant changes in their lives?

I will continue to preach that we can evolve and change 100 times if we want.  It’s never too late.  Catherine Wood is a great example – she started ARK, an investment firm, at age 58 and is now an industry leader.  There are so many of these incredible women and their stories.

You built Love, Amy from a personal experience and the realization of an innate talent into an amazing, blossoming business.  What did that look like?  I imagine there were times of doubt and fear that had to be overcome.

After finding Brett, the love of my life, on Bumble three years ago, and finding a lot of joy in the whole experience, I started helping friends launch themselves via dating apps.  I remember thinking this might be a thing!  But I was scared, initially.  One night we were sitting on his couch and I blurted out the idea, and he turned to me and said “I think it’s f*cking brilliant.”  I built it step by step, with almost no investment.  I literally just put one foot in front of the other and tried to simplify the process.  My very first client is now engaged!

What would your advice be to women struggling to figure out their purpose and how to bring their own dreams and businesses into reality?

I think really drilling down and asking yourself key questions like “what activities make me feel alive and excited,” and “what have I always been told I’m really good at?” I think we dismiss ideas early on that feel outside of our “box” or “not professional enough.”

What are three attributes that you believe have supported you in having so much success with Love, Amy?

For me, attributes like being able to tune into someone’s energy and voice, teaching someone how to stay positive no matter what, and being a quick-witted writer have really helped me.

Do you follow any specific doctrines on diet or health?

I find that when I eat fairly “clean” which basically means nothing processed, no sugar, limited carbs, and lots of fresh food I just feel better.  I’m pretty regimented and eat a lot of the same things every day.  I do a live power yoga class most days, which seems to match that same energy of feeling good in my body.

What are the morning and evening routines or rituals that help you stay focused and grounded?

I go to bed early!  I can’t believe I’m saying this because I used to be a total night owl.  We like to carve out time every night for each other as a couple, which usually entails dinner and binge-watching one of our shows (or watching Succession episodes for like the 28th time, literally).  Then we meditate before bed, which is incredibly helpful for inducing sleep.  We get up super early, meditate, and then get our day started.  Keeping these routines is so grounding and joyful.

How does one bring an emphasis on mindfulness and wellness into their everyday lives?

I think it starts with just literally putting self-care routines on your calendar and making them non-negotiable.  When my kids were younger, they knew not to disturb me when I was meditating, because it was important to me.  Whatever that is for you – running, gardening, playing an instrument – commit to doing that regularly.

What are some of your favorite practices for coming back into the feminine?

It’s all about going inward.  I always tell my clients to “Be gentle with yourself.  You’re handling more than you know.”  We become our inner voice – so speak as kindly to yourself as you would to your very best friend.  I like to talk out loud to myself in the morning as I’m making my tea and recite what I’m grateful for.  Sometimes it’s in a southern accent and I have no idea why.  Must be a past life! 

What do you most want to be known for in this life amongst your friends?

That I was kind, giving, caring and helpful.

Absolute favorite healers, practitioners, or products for beauty, health, and wellness?

Anu Garg is an incredible intuitive healer and she’s part of my tribe.  Skoop is a new app that curates healers, beauty, and wellness experts in a way that I can trust. Malaurie at humagik is my go-to for guidance in specific areas.  Lynn Miller in LA is an incredible psychic as well.

Books that have changed your life and outlook?

The Four Agreements – my bible

The Big Leap

Manifesting Made Easy

Advice to the Woo🖤Woo Working Women out there figuring out how to live their best high-vibrancy life?

I love these words:  Begin Again.  Every day, every hour, every minute, we have the chance to change the course of our lives.  You CAN break the patterns of your past.  You CAN reframe your outlook and reach heights you never before dreamed of.  You CAN change the script.  One of the most beautiful things about aging is the confidence to stop “polling” everyone around you and to just follow your intuition.  It’s beautiful! 


Michelle Bogorad is the founder of Woo Woo Working Women and a NLP-Certified Transformation and Mindset Coach. For over 15 years, she has worked in Global Human Resources for the biggest global media companies in the world driving organizational and employee optimization, efficiency, and engagement.

She is most passionate about helping high-achieving women get back to their expanded selves by designing and creating the lives they truly desire. In her work, Michelle helps clients discover blindspots, define a vision for an inspiring life, reprogram their mindset to success, and take the necessary action to achieve their goals.

Discover transformation & mindset coaching


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