Woo Woo Working Women

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Joy Dushey, Founder, The Joyful Approach

Joy is a holistic life guide, breathwork facilitator, and energy healer utilizing a variety of supportive esoteric modalities; crystals, reiki, sound healing, as well as somatics, intuitive therapeutic coaching, and mother nature. She specializes in inspiring people of all ages to start living empowered, optimal, vital lives by nurturing the balance of mind, body, and spirit.

Her unique and powerful methodology, The Joyful Approach, is a life system that combines the upgrading of practical daily disciplines around eating, sleeping, exercising, breathing, and thinking with deeper spiritual work addressing core values, self-love, intentionality, and authenticity.  The approach allows for living in the true flow of life and for the unfolding of our best and highest selves.

Her greatest joy, no pun intended, is to give others a means to awaken to their own great love, unique beauty, and purpose. Joy is a true believer that once our beauty is realized we light up differently by becoming brighter. We begin to live a more dynamic and fulfilling experience of ourselves, we look toward our purpose, and we feel more joy and awe in just being alive. 

Joy’s great transformation occurred as a result of dealing with grief, sadness, depression, and PTSD following the tragic loss of her brother.  She suffered from an Ischemic stroke at 29 and in recovery, she began to question how she was living her life and realized that until then, she’d been living a life without true inner meaning.  She felt as many of us have felt at moments in our lives; unfulfilled, escaping, and numbing through the discomfort.

For her, the awakening and rebirth brought her onto a holistic and spiritual path. She became fascinated by the miracles that quickly followed and realized her life was destined to intertwine her own growth and the sharing of her story with the world. She made it her mission, using what she had learned, to guide others in realizing their inner beauty by creating a deeper connection between mind, body, and spirit helping them to unveil their light through an empowered way of authentic living.

Joy recently launched a spectacular (as a member myself I am a bit biased) online membership that provides you with the tools to design your life system with a unique blueprint to usher you into Joyful Alignment and allow you to create flow and congruence by living in your truth and purpose. Included are monthly two-hour live Zoom meetings with in-depth teachings on the fundamentals of the life system, weekly gifts including meditations, exercises, and activations, a weekly inspirational newsletter, and endless guidance on topics ranging from freeing the inner child, movement, releasing negative attachments, and so much more. Also included is access to her private Facebook group, Joyful Tribe, connecting members in supporting one another through the lessons and integration.

Additionally, she formulated the Matrix earlier this year with the intention of co-creation and conscious alignment by bringing together and creating a space for like-minded individuals to empower their full expression and realize their gifts of service while sharing in their mutual awakening.  Think of it as a spiritual accelerator program for individuals to wake up to their calling, embark on their purpose, and bring their power into the universe.  I was so incredibly fortunate to be a part of the launch group and to be mentored by Joy while being part of a tribe with some of the most inspiring and magnetic women I’ve ever met.  The Matrix supported me in reaching my fullest potential and awakened a vitality and creativity in me that I knew existed but I never knew how to call in before. 

Joy is one of the most talented and magical guides and teachers I’ve ever worked with.  I walked through Joy’s door for a Sangha class during the summer of 2019 and I have been endlessly inspired by her every single day since.  She embodies what it is to live a high-vibrancy life in line with her purpose and magnetism.  She is filled with endless knowledge, vitality, and enormous energy to impart strength and purpose to every individual she encounters.  

I feel so fortunate to have found her.  You feel the grace and beauty of Joy’s aura whenever you are in her presence. She is generous and kind with her power and insight.  She is radiant and lit from within. You can’t help but want to hang onto every word and teaching because you trust that she knows the way to help you become more radiant and vibrant in your own life.  She is my constant inspiration and example of the magical, vibrant woo woo working woman I hope to be.

What is your secret to living a high-vibrancy life?

Living a high vibrancy life has to do with where I place my attention, the choices I make daily, and the intentions I set both short and long-term. It’s my daily practices that provide me with high-frequency living. This is not a secret yet a methodology through the life system I formulated to share with others after I began living this high-vibe life. 

Who is a woo-woo working woman that you admire and why?

Julie Piatt, otherwise known as SriMati, is a woo-woo working woman I admire. She is a spiritual teacher with great wisdom, a Mystic, a mother, a way shower, a creator, a chef, and the founder of SriMu artisanal plant-based cheeses. I admire Sri for her sovereignty and for her devotion to leading with spiritual principles in a multidimensional approach while balancing the roles of motherhood and living in the physical world. 

How do you balance work, wellness, and spirituality?

I'm pretty attuned to a rhythm that works for me. I believe when we get to know ourselves, we understand what works and what doesn't. I have a set of practices that supports the balance of lifestyle where I can be super productive at times and then there are times I know I need more restorative time. I live a consistent lifestyle that stems again from The Joyful Approach life system - how I sleep, nourish, breathe, move, and think about my life purpose and then the intentions, boundaries, core values, and practices for self-care that bring all of the areas of my life into congruence and a nice balance. When I feel out of alignment or overwhelmed, I'll reset and course correct.

Was there any one significant event that moved you onto the path of becoming the woman you are today?

Yes, after I suffered an Ischemic Stroke at 29 years old I experienced a great life transformation. I re-evaluated my life and realized that up until that illness I wasn’t dealing with the pent-up emotions, sadness, and PTSD and that I was only numbing with things outside of myself. When I experienced the dark night of the soul in that year of recovery, I also experienced a spiritual awakening where the light appeared. The light was a new path to spiritual and holistic living. After a year of recovery from the stroke, I ran my first marathon as my reclamation of my regained body. This became an infectious love and journey into running distance and spiritual connection through running and all things aligned with living a healthy lifestyle. 

Personal Mantra?

When you walk in the light of the Divine you trust all is okay.

What did discovering what you wanted to do professionally in the healing and wellness world look like for you?

It was a natural organic synthesis that came from the joy and nurture I was experiencing from my findings along with a calling that came to me as I was experiencing a spiritual awakening and all the synchronicities that followed in my pursuit of my own healing. 

How would you advise someone with a passion for health and wellness to find work that aligns with their values and purpose? Many women may feel it's not possible to have both.

I am a strong believer that if we do what we love, the money will follow. If you're passionate about the health and wellness arena, you should be spending your time and energy in some form of work that has to do with health and wellness. This might be a part-time job, or even something you do on the weekend for friends and family. Your primary job, if not in the wellness field, can provide you with the energy and money to follow your dream job in health and wellness. 

What is the best professional feedback you’ve ever received to help you grow as a woman, leader, and entrepreneur?

Self-worth and self-love lead to empowerment! If you lack self-worth spend time devoted to this and it will impact your business as an entrepreneur and leader.

Are there any skills or life behaviors you wish you’d developed or learned earlier on to help you with your work? 

More time for contemplation, patience, and discernment with the investments I made.

You do so much! You see private clients, facilitate groups, have a podcast, and now your newly launched online membership on top of a million other things. How do you keep from feeling overwhelmed?

I recently had a look at how much I was up to all at once without the awareness as I was creating and launching some of these huge projects. My process can sometimes feel like I'm competing in an ultra marathon yet on high-vibe adrenaline and then there are some days when I have very low energy or creative flow and those are the days I fully trust in the need to rest restore and just be and be in the flow. When I see private clients I always pad the time as this is energy work and I will never provide a session on anything less than a full cup. I meditate mid-day in a lying down healing that allows for full relaxation and have other modalities for staying calm and in the flow even when I have many deadlines and responsibilities to tackle.

How do women find mentors that align with their purpose and values?

I believe this has to do with the laws of attraction. Just as you'd like to manifest a beloved or a tribe you can manifest your teachers, mentors, and Guru. Get in touch with the qualities and values that you most want to call in and affirm your worthiness of meeting those mentors and working with them. Get really detailed ..it works!! 

Do you follow any specific doctrines on diet or health?

I read lots of research on health, wellness, and diet and I have experimented with many ways of eating. I follow a holistic approach and see an Integrative Doctor. I eat all organic foods and a mostly plant-based diet but I do also eat animal products for fats and protein.

Can you give us a brief overview of what you eat in a day?

Upon Waking: Lemon water, organic coffee, and Bee Panacea

egg whites or a whole egg 

5 small meals can include any of the below:
mixed greens /almonds loads of antioxidant fibrous veggies and fruits 
either a piece of fish or white chicken or turkey 

1 gallon of water 

How often do you work out? What are your favorite forms of activity?

I run about 6 days per week and I strength train 3 days per week. I love running mostly.

I am obsessed with your style. I want to call it high fashion meets feminine goddess. Do you have advice for women to help them shop for and dress for the women they want to be?

I think it takes time to discover your signature style and the style that is authentic to you! It takes getting to know yourself and what makes you feel good.. what feels like you and not the trending forecast. I'm more of a collector rather than a shopper. I love picking up unique pieces that reflect some aspects of my archetypes and attributes. I have made friends over the years at the boutiques I like to shop at and they know what I like so they call me if something that is "joyful" comes in. I don't have the time to browse like I used to so this process feels easier and more valued. I love shopping when I'm away on vacation and could pick up rare finds and pieces that are more unique to the origin of the destination I'm at.

Do you have any morning or evening rituals?

My morning ritual is my favorite part of my day. I begin with gratitude practice I then take my lemon water slowly and prepare an organic mushroom coffee followed by a teaspoon of Bee Panacea ..I spend half the week by the beach so I go out to the beach and begin with grounding followed by meditation as I watch the sunrise and journal if I'm at the beach. If I'm in NY, I will also meditate and journal only indoors and sometimes add a sound bath for myself.

What are some of your favorite practices for women to come back into their feminine power?

Self-love practices and having a tribe of conscious evolving women to support you.  Some of these practices include meditation using light visualization to align your energy centers, especially the 2nd chakra responsible for your life force and creative nature, movement like dance and yoga, creative projects like writing and making art, and lastly going into nature.

Do you have any wellness practices that help you stay so radiant and in optimal health?

Thank you! I believe this has to do with all the components of The life system - it’s getting a good amount of sleep, breathing daily with meditation to oxygenate the cells, hydrating really well, eating well, staying in a healthy mindset rooted to my purpose, moving with an efficient exercise regime and the supplements I take.

How does one bring an emphasis on mindfulness and wellness into their everyday lives?

Affirmations, get rid of the inner critic dialogue, and have a regular consistent meditation practice. Live The Joyful Approach Life system.

What is the greatest gift you can give yourself?

Self Acceptance and Self Love

What would the title of your autobiography be?

It’s a secret..coming soon!!!

I always want to learn more about__________?

the wisdom of life

In my free time, when I have any, you can usually find me __________.

listening to an audio or learning something relevant to spirituality, the holistic, mystic, shamanic, neuroscience, and anatomy-based teachings.

Most people don’t know that I really enjoy__________?


How do you reset after a challenging day? 

A long warm shower cleansing energy, a beautiful meal, and sometimes a glass of wine.

Favorite motivational Instagram account, podcasts, and/or books?

Instagram: @jillianturecki @alchemise_ @alana_fairchild @philgoodlife @nowness @tealswanofficial
Podcasts: Esther Perel, The Adult Chair, Gabby Reese, Rich Roll
Books: Carolyn Myss- Anatomy of the Spirit, David Hawkins-Power vs Force and Letting Go, Eckhart Tolle-Power of Now, Michael Singer-The Untethered Soul 

Go to products or practitioners for beauty, health, spirituality, and wellness.

Vicki Morav for beauty 
Dr Jeffery Morison for health 
Dr Neil Paulvin for health 
Susan Hassan for healing 
Surya Spa LA 
BEE PANCEA from Raw Virgin Foods 
Yin Power Sun Potion 

Favorite places to shop online?



All That Remains Love 

Moda Operandi

Advice to the Woo🖤Wooo Working Women out there figuring out how to live their best high-vibrancy life?

It takes consistency devotion and choice.. think about how you most want to feel and create the intentions to best support those feelings you most want to feel