Dr. Nadia Musavvir, Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Nadia is a licensed naturopathic doctor dedicating her career to changing how women view health, nutrition, and beauty. She utilizes her extensive knowledge of Eastern and Western medicine to get to the root of medical issues and restore the body to its optimal physiology. Harper’s Bazaar, In Style, and Allure have featured Dr. Nadia for her expertise in everything from hormone and gut health to skin and hair conditions. Her virtual concierge consulting practice offers patients customized solutions for health optimization and she also advises corporations and brands. She truly honors taking care of yourself inside and out. Her luminous locks and glowing skin will inspire you to do the same.

Being Pakistani and Mexican, Dr. Nadia was fortunate to have had much healing wisdom passed on to her from both cultures. Taking prescription medications or pharmaceuticals was always a last resort growing up. As such, she regularly took herbs and went to acupuncturists in place of conventional doctors. Still uncertain of her professional path during her final year of undergrad, she learned of a doctorate program in naturopathic medicine that combined holistic nutrition, acupuncture, homeopathy, botanical medicine, and a conventional medical curriculum.  She knew immediately that this was the place for her.

Dr. Nadia completed her naturopathic medical training at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine after receiving her BS in Kinesiology from the California State University of Fullerton.  She has also completed additional training in Mind-Body Medicine from the Benson-Henry Institute at Harvard and is currently training in Psychedelic Assisted Therapies and Research from the California Institute of Integral Studies.

Dr. Nadia believes stress and trauma are the drivers of most chronic and physical degeneration.  Her passion for finding the root cause gives her a unique approach to hair and skin; balancing hormones, digestive function, immune system, and unresolved trauma to address aesthetic concerns. She uses measures beyond symptom control and cosmetic treatments, instead, she draws from her multiple areas of studies and traditional wisdom to provide patients with the necessary tools to create healing that starts from within and reflects outward.

Find out more about working with Dr. Nadia here and follow her on Instagram here.


Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs?

Sun: Pisces

Moon: Gemini

Rising: Leo

Current Homebase

Miami Beach

What is your secret to living a high-vibrancy life?

Sunlight, grounding, breathwork, and flower essences.

Who is a woo-woo working woman that you admire and why?

Organic Olivia is pure light! She does such an excellent job of combining modern science with traditional wisdom in her work. She creates beautiful formulas and factors in the energetic as well as physical properties of different plants. 

Was there any one significant event that moved you onto the path of becoming the woman you are today?

I think there were many that ultimately led me to this path. My cultural background, my personal health struggles, my brother being vaccine injured, and then my mom being gaslit about it.

How would you encourage someone dealing with health issues to navigate and own their journey?

Listen to your body; if someone keeps telling you everything is fine but you don’t feel fine; don’t settle and find someone you resonate with to work through it.

What are three things any woman can start doing today to take better care of her body?

Breathwork, eating sufficient protein, and sleeping before 11 pm.

What are the morning and evening routines or rituals that help you stay focused and grounded?

Breathwork, prayer, and meditation.

What is one health practice that you most credit with changing your life?

Eating breakfast within an hour of waking! (and if I can add one more, strength training)

What are some of your favorite productivity and/or time management hacks?

Putting my phone away or on do not disturb.

How does one bring an emphasis on mindfulness and wellness into their everyday lives?

In my case, I was sick and tired of feeling like something was off all the time. I carried all these negative feelings and emotions with me that were being reflected in disease, lack of abundance, and poor relationships in my life. It got to a point where I was willing to do anything to feel different. So, I stumbled upon mindfulness and wellness and started to feel better and better. I noticed the change and so did everyone around me. Since then it’s been about commitment, and I’m fully committed to feeling great, so I continue to show up and do the work every day. Even on days when I don’t want to. 

Can you give us a brief overview of what you eat in a day? 

I usually start the day with a handful of blueberries or an apple or orange plus 1-2 eggs, a small piece of grass fed steak, or ground beef. If I’m low on time, I’ll have a smoothie with blueberries and protein.

Small steak and avocado

Salmon or scallops and seaweed

Blueberries, apples, or oranges as a snack. Or some raw milk cheddar.

If I strength trained that day, I will also have a protein shake (or 2).

Lots of water, one cup of coffee, and green tea.

What are some items that you always have in your bag?

Lip balm or chapstick, digestive enzymes, hair clip or tie, electrolytes, and sunglasses.

What would the title of your autobiography be?

Breathe before you cut your bangs.

Absolute favorite healers, practitioners or products for beauty, health and wellness?

Honestly, I have so many! Many of my mentors or people I’ve connected with online. I can't pick or name just a few because I don’t want to leave anyone out!

One that stands out though is Lisa Gainsley; she brought attention to the most under-appreciated system in the body– the lymphatic system! I love all of the education she provides around lymph. Lymphatic health truly is the key to beautiful skin, health, and overall wellness.

Advice to the Woo🖤Woo Working Women out there figuring out how to live their best high-vibrancy life?

Take things one breath at a time. You don’t have to make massive changes all at once. Progress over perfection. 


Michelle Bogorad is the founder of Woo Woo Working Women and a NLP-Certified Transformation and Mindset Coach. For over 15 years, she has worked in Global Human Resources for the biggest global media companies in the world driving organizational and employee optimization, efficiency, and engagement.

She is most passionate about helping high-achieving women get back to their expanded selves by designing and creating the lives they truly desire. In her work, Michelle helps clients discover blindspots, define a vision for an inspiring life, reprogram their mindset to success, and take the necessary action to achieve their goals.

Discover transformation & mindset coaching


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